what an event....what glamour...what talent...and note that red carpet...and to think i was there standing right between my two heroes!
yes, we had such a wonderful time, my bff diane and i... for i have always said, if i were ever to give an interview (which i would NEVER do, for i'm far to shy)...it would only be to her..., and that's just the fact of it...i am an admirer of the voice of creme brulee...
the feeling of getting all glamed up and wearing a beautiful gown...is like a cinderella story...for all of you know my real life, and the real me... p.j.'s until carpool time arrives...chaos at every turn...boys and dogs...an ordinary life...
i was a little bit unnerved though when christiane approached me...for if you remember i at one time offered to be her bff too...but my offer went unnoticed, and diane snatched me up... when christiane approached me, she was well aware that i had made this offer to her and told me that she wasn't able to get back to me, for she was in the middle east...she said she checked my blog later, and to her sadness diane had already replied...i felt just horrible...it was a heart wrenching moment for me....for i just love her. what a story she has lived. what a brave woman she is...
so i am a stalker...i guess i have to admit it...this is the force of photo shop and my admiring little mind.... yes, that's my head...thinned out a bit...stuck on top of nicole kidman's beautifully gowned body...and look i am so tall, and that is the most fun of all! yes dad, i will get back to work now....and no mom, i am not embarrassed...think of david letterman and oprah, ellen and tom cruise....just add me to the list...
but on a more serious note:

diane sawyer has a special feature on tomorrow night about children of the appalachia's...which is so close to my own heart...
"Hidden America - Children of the Mountains -
20/20 - ABC at 10:00
this has been a 2 year project for this ABC crew following 4 children from 4 different families in the appalachias of kentucky... if you are not already aware, many of the areas in the appalachia's are the poorest in the nation... this is an in depth look at the lives of these children, the limited opportunities and lack thereof...
several years ago ms. sawyer won an emmy for her work on the feature "Waiting On The World To Change," - a firsthand account of poverty among children in america...congrats. for that...and through this feature many children were extended the help that they were in need of...
children are our future...and i do believe the more exposure that is given to areas that need the country's help, the more chances these children will be given... when something touches our heart, as i'm sure this documentary will, it is our responsibility as not only a nation but as an individual, to rise to help with the needs of others, strangers, children - ensuring that they are given the opportunities that many of us take for granted...
this link is provided by ABC to help you research ways that you can help the children of the appalachias...sometimes the help that is needed is a strong back...so you don't have to rich or famous to do something tremendous...