i was unloading my car of the huge collection of coats, blankets, toys and flashlights, the usual "just in case" stuff you will find in my car this time of year. i was bound and determined to make room for all the wood that i was finally going to pick up, for it had been ordered a month ago but nobody seemed to want to drive it up the mountain...
i always love this drive out to the country - passing the mountains, snow covered christmas tree farms, down the winding road...as i looked back over my shoulder i could see the storm that i had heard was coming in - yes, more snow. it was dark and intense looking. but i was heading towards the sun and i was really feeling a change in my mood, a pick up of the spirit so to speak.
as i headed back, toward the dark sky, i noticed my mood dropping again....as i stared at passerbys i noticed that they all seemed to have a blank look on their faces, a type of stone look. not the usual look you see around here at all...i wondered if i had that same look...
today as the snow started i began to sing this song; for if the beatles can't pick up my spirits then nothing can...
if you would like to browse art, here's me: www.dallisongameboards.com