just wanted to give you an update of the new piece i introduced....i had an idea that this piece would go very quickly because of the bold graphic design...there are only 10 still available before i introduce wheel of fortune to my website...
one of my clients asked how it would look with her chinese checker board so i thought i'd post another picture of 'clarence chinese checker, wheel of fortune and the arrow parcheesi' for you to view...i know so many of you have many pieces in your homes to mix this piece with....
one of the things i really like about this piece is it calms a very busy area....if you have a 'messy' or busy area (books) this piece draws the eye away from the chaos and makes you focus on something that is simply graphic.....which pretty much is anywhere in my own home....(should do something about that), but until then i will just hang art....
scroll down to the next post for information on the new piece....