Friday, March 16, 2007

i just had to share this with you, i just LOVE it! nancy thomas has a new series, home and heart! and i know many of you collect her pieces, so if you haven't heard, this is what is next....i just love all that red!! you will have to check out her site, click her name to the left, under artists that i love....

what i myself especially love, is nancy's monthly series...and i like that she gives me a choice as to what the subject of the month is..., whether its children, natural beauty or animals....if you haven't seen nancy's work, i know you'll love it, it makes a room congrats to nancy, i can't wait to get mine!

well believe it or not, they are calling for snow again in the mountains....oh well, a touch of spring weather is how it always seems to go, before it truely sets in....i noticed today that the robins are back, and as happy as i am to see them return, i know that we will have at least one more good snow to make me worry about how they are doing! so today instead of opening the door in the studio, i built a fire to keep off the chill....and it probably will be the last one i'll have for a long time...

take care of yourself and yours...and have a great weekend! diane

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