Thursday, October 7, 2010

so my site name has changed...

as you know, my old site: dallisongameboards - is gone....and there is a reason why....

a long long time ago i had a web designer - i eventually created my own site later using the 'squarespace' company for the reason that i can update my site on my own....i have that annoying personality trait of wanting everything done NOW - so it just has worked better for me...

so after my new site was built i attached a link from my old site to my new site - (it's one of those mysterious things that can be done without the viewer even knowing it)...and that link would automatically take you over to my newer site with just a click...

my 'old' site expired....(previously i would buy the name for 3 years and then renew it when it came time)....because the original information was in the hands of my old web designer, i was not able to renew it on my own...i spoke to the company explaining this to them and they said they were not able to help me, that when it expired then i could buy it...i told them it had expired, they informed me 'when it really expires'....huh???

so here's what happens then....

there are companies out there that sit and wait until your site expires "really expires" i guess....then they jump in and buy it for somewhere around $5 and hold it hostage....yep, it is true, very sad, but true...

so i was offered the chance to buy my old name back at the ransom of $300....

of course it is an 'integrity' thing, which i'm very fond of hanging my hat on....friends gave me their input - you've spent years building up that site name, pay the $ and be done with it, you will loose your customers, people will think you've gone out of business!!

- can't can't do that...can't pay off these that's just the way it will be...i realize it is only $300 for the many years of hard work and promotions with country living magazine - but i just can't give in to even this small injustice...

funny (or really not) - i talked to a writer who has worked for major companies in the past - he said the same thing has happened to fortune 500 companies - even to the point that the name-nappers have threatened to put 'undesirable' sites on their old site....he said they spoke to their attorneys and agreed not to give in to the name-nappers -

so in the end you name-nappers - whether you are trying to con a billion dollar company or a teeny tiny one - you just lost $5.00!

and that's all i have to say....

so here is the new and always available site:

or you can always type in diane allison + game boards and you will see my site...

1 comment:

helen said...

Love your studio ---can I share it (just kidding!)