Thursday, December 9, 2010

something really bad has happened...

i cannot remember a time like this, unless i think back to 1983 when i was pregnant with my oldest....sara lee was the culprit then - she created a heavenly dream of chocolate cake with chocolate pudding in the middle....i ate so many of these cakes i couldn't even begin to pan, just enough for a very pregnant woman...but they are now gone, i guess they just never caught on...

and's m&m' could they have ever come up with this idea....really, a pretzel in the middle, really, who would want one of those? well let me tell you - i cannot live without them...they are better than a coke, and if you know me, you are gasping right about now...

i, sadly, am allergic to nuts....just a few years ago, as hubby was driving me to the doctor, eyes sealing shut, tongue (evidently quite humorous as i'm told) swelling and making it difficult to talk....i was diagnosed as having a reaction to an almond croissant...and that was just the beginning, peanut m&m's, pecan pie, even little sweet sunflower seeds get me all an itchin'....and my motto is 'if there ever comes a time that the world is ending you will find me sitting on the floor of our local bp station eating reeses cups, what a way to go' i say....oh how i miss them...

but these pretzel m&m's are as close to my memories of the wonderful peanut m&m....hubby keeps bringing them home in the huge bags...i begin emptying the bags and yell out - no, this can't be....he says 'what'? i scold him for bringing them home again....i cannot continue eating all these pounds and pounds of candy...just look at my stomach - he just smirks, i rip open the bag and tell him, this is it, just stop it!

i think i will have to put a ban on them by the end of the month....certainly if i cannot get into any of my 'fat' clothes we will have a problem...and if i dare mention the word 'diet' around hubby, he certainly will bring me 2 bags at a time, he always does those things, so annoying! or worse, fill my entire stocking full of them, and then what could i say other than thank you and eat them to make him happy? oh dear, what a mess i'm in...

1 comment:

Lana Manis said...

LOL! That's hilarious Diane! Well, not the tongue swelling part, but the rest. ;)
I don't know what I'd do if I became allergic to nuts. It would certainly be a sad, sad day. :(

I haven't tried the new M&Ms with pretzels... I may have to make a run to the grocery store today...

If I don't get back to you before, have a very merry Christmas! xoxo