Thursday, June 25, 2009

as i'm always saying...

time does indeed fly right on by....i'm always stunned to notice that i've lost a week or two, and here summer has just began...i think summer may be the one season where most of us have a clear view in our mind of the pleasures that will come ....watermelon, blueberry picking, late summer nights sitting outside, kids playing late into the night catching firefly''s just so perfect...

as i got up this morning i was running a few minutes late, and instead of flying like a madwoman, i thought... - "i think i'll slowly climb into the day" with a cup of coffee in hand i went to sit out on the deck...the music from cardinals, wrens, caws of crows and the badgering of blue jays, was touched with the buzz of humming can things be better than this?

i took it all in and then started into my morning rituals, feed the dog, feed the family, pack up lunches and pack up backpacks for the days adventure at camp...clean up the kitchen, family room, bedrooms and what the heck happened to that bathroom??!!!, throw in a load of laundry and sweep the floors....get ready for work and into the studio i go...all in an hour...

it was peaceful, the list of duties were accomplished in a peaceful state for i had taken some time to sit and listen to the earth, to count my blessings...and left with a knowing strength that i can accomplish anything and everything needed of me today...

Flight Song

with so much musical talent throughout the world we all have the ability to search for music that makes our spirit dance...and our soul awakened...

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