Friday, September 25, 2009

is it just me?

i'm telling my bff the other day who is out in california about flash mobs; she was clueless, never having had heard of them. so i'm laughing and telling her just how fun, cool, great, amazing these are; she was unimpressed, and then stated, "sounds stupid"... i told her just wait, one of these days there will be one down in charlotte and i and another friend will be going, flash mobbing away. she said it really sounded stupid and why would i want to do that...


makes me wonder if it is just my sense of humor, my sense of fun...

so later i was at a football game and asked another friend about flash mobs, she immediately started laughing...we began comparing the ones that we had seen on youtube...i told her that i was certainly going to figure out where one was going to be eventually and be going, she said she wanted to come too; so that is 3 people who think it's great...we did agree that this was one of the best; quality not so hot, but everyone loves this song and those parachute pants; don't they?

i think we need to dance, wherever we are, whatever our circumstances, dance...

oh yeah, if you want to look at game boards, here is a link: dianeallison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Diane, Just wanted to let you know that I received the game board yesterday and it is now hanging on the living room wall. It's beautiful and I truly love it. I can't wait to show my friends. I love the colors and it fits perfectly with all the reds in my room. Thanks for creating such a wonderful piece of folk art.