Thursday, December 16, 2010

nothing like christmas shopping...

one son is grown and gone...the other, oldest son never got back to me of what he would like for christmas, the other wrote it all out, coded, in lines from most wanted to least in a letter to santa....the oldest 'needs' things, the youngest has everything...

so off hubby and i go to do shopping while the weather is still good....eli is sledding at a friends, the other is making his way through the snow to work in shoes with giving seams...

we had no idea what to get them, other than shoes with no holes and $ for my oldest to help with the never ending 'bills'....and since this is the first time we've been put in this position, i can tell you that it is the surest way to buy to many gifts, spend way more than you should've, and then think to yourself, gosh, i hope they like these things....

on the drive home with eli from his friends house, oh he had so many things that he wanted now for christmas....he threw in ideas of nerf guns, snow boards and sleds....not one thing was what we had gotten him....of course, not a one....his list to santa included only old football cards, you know the kind that are hidden away in peoples attics, long forgotten...or worse, bid on ebay, which honestly i'm always outdid at the last minute...i asked him after reading his list, 'no toys?', just cards...was his simple answer....hubby looked over santa's list and chuckled to me that he thought one card was certainly $20,000.00....hmmmmmm

i spoke to my oldest last night and told him all the shopping was done and his gifts were wrapped under the tree...."what?" he asked, "you didn't ask me what i wanted"...i reminded him, yes i did, i just never heard back....i told him to not act like a brat, and be thankful...after all, they are gifts to him...(have to throw those manner things in still every now and then)....but he shyly listed a few things that he needed - and that wasn't shoes....nor anything else that we bought for him...and honestly with the things he mentioned we could have spent $25 and he would've been very happy...

so next year i will send eli off to his friends a couple of weeks before christmas so he can come home with some ideas for me....and the oldest, i will call him the day i'm going shopping and tell him i'm already done i can hear his list of what he 'would've' wanted...

i hope your shopping is going better than mine....maybe i should go and do exchanges....

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